Ashes Necklace for Men. (Or Unisex but google loves a search term)

Ashes Necklace for Men. (Or Unisex but google loves a search term)

Ashes Necklace

Introducing the Ashes Necklace Flint Arrowhead 

I'm excited to announce my new design necklace, the Flint Arrowhead Necklace. This necklace is sculpted in the style of a flint arrowhead, and it's available in all the precious metals: gold, silver, and platinum.

The flint arrowhead is a powerful symbol of strength, protection, and love. It's been used by humans for centuries as a tool and a weapon, and it's also been seen as a symbol of the connection between the living and the dead.

This ashes necklace is a beautiful and meaningful way to honour a loved one. You can have their ashes added to the necklace, and it will become a cherished keepsake that you can wear close to your heart.

The Flint Arrowhead Necklace is available in a variety of sizes and styles. You can choose the metal, the length of the chain.

If you're looking for a unique and meaningful way to remember a loved one, the Flint Arrowhead Necklace is the perfect choice. Order yours today!

Here are some additional details about the Flint Arrowhead Necklace:

  • The arrowhead is made of solid metal and is hand-sculpted by me.
  • The arrowhead is 34 mm tall
  • The necklace chain is made of high-quality metal 
  • The ashes are added to the arrowhead during the manufacturing process.

I hope you'll consider the Flint Arrowhead Necklace for your next special occasion. It's a beautiful and meaningful way to honour a loved one.

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